Fitness Fashion

29 Dec 2023 &nbsp &nbsp posted by ...

December 27, 2023,    Posted by gymclothes As the New Year approaches, the majority finds themselves forming resolutions strived at improving overall ...

I hope everyone is enjoying this festive season; as the Brits say, “Happy Christmas!” (I feel like Americans only say Merry Christmas, so “Happy” ...

Hello and happy holidays! I’m excited for a low-key Christmas in London, just Dustin, me, and the pups…But we’re not there yet! Let me first recap ...

December 11, 2023,    Posted by gymclothes Christmas is that occasion for which everyone waits the entire year. Decorating the Christmas tree and ...

I’m back! I’m here recapping the past two weeks of training for the Barcelona marathon (which will be next March), as well as life in London- at the ...

04 Dec 2023 &nbsp &nbsp posted by ...

In last week’s post, I shared that Dustin and I were meant to run the San Sebastian marathon (Spain) with some friends this weekend. It would have ...

Well, I took a little bit of time off of blogging/journaling, so here’s a 3 week recap of what’s been going on since the Dublin marathon. Buckle ...

Planning a trip to Ireland? Maybe planning to run the Dublin marathon? This post is for you! As detailed in this post, I was recently in Ireland ...

November 14, 2023,    Posted by gymclothes With an essence of happiness in the air, delicious food on the table, and near and dear ones by your side, ...

11 Nov 2023 &nbsp &nbsp posted by ...
